The wonders of the British holidays. Wooo, no school for two weeks; this means that I have a large span of time to loose weight and this is how I am going to do it. Although it is Easter, meaning lots of chocolate, leading to lots of temptations. I do hope this blog does help me to keep to my fast because I do believe not eating is a lot more healthy then living life of depression and hate for yourself.
I am currently 12 stone (fuckin* fat) and I plan to be like 6 stone by August because of the pleasure of being a brides maid and the dreaded dress fittings. I wasn't so bothered before about loosing weight because I did come to terms that this is who I am but after sudden depression within my life, I do not know who I am or what I am. Loosing weight will help me define this. Also, another revelation that my cousin (I am being her bridesmaid for her) has lost a lot of weight compared to the giant she used to be, has put pressure on my figure. I do not want to be the fatty of the family:/
In conclusion this means a strict diet of water, water and WATER! Doesn't that sound delightful!?! I will start the diet tomorrow, because it is Monday; the start of the week for a start of a diet! I have really high hopes for the future of my weight, but I must remind myself to stay strong because 'one taste on the lips is a life time on the hips' and a quote from one of my inspiring pro- ana's; Kate Moss says 'Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels'!
Just be careful, you might want to add some other drinks to that list